Monday, June 3, 2013

Identify This Panel... Take 13


  1. Maybe a hint is needed here... think mini-series... think of a character that Bendis has killed...

  2. I finally see one of these before the answer gets posted, and of course i'm fairly certain i've never seen these panels before in my life. But I've been loving this feature, please keep 'em coming!

  3. Hey bingram33, glad you're enjoying them... Looks like it's time for another hint... The artist is George Freeman and the limited series was published in 1984.

  4. For your info I think it is Jack of Hearts mini-series, isn't it? But I must to say that I didn't remenber that panel...

  5. Hey Rojo, you are correct. That panel does indeed feature Jack Hart, better known as Jack of Hearts.
