Monday, April 15, 2013

ROM vs. Martians!

Grabbed this from the Sal Buscema POW! Facebook page:

Mars Attacks Rom the Space Knight by Sal Buscema. Colors by Andrew Elder. A bonus pin-up in the back of the Mars Attacks IDW trade paperback out on April 17.


  1. Please, owner of Rom's rights... Sell them to Marvel.

  2. IDW is taking a real chance here but on the upside if this does turn into a legal issue we will finally find out who the Hell owns the rights to ROM and perhaps some serious negotiations can get started.

  3. I've seen where Chris Ryall has said he's tried to get the rights for IDW for a long time, but the current rights holder isn't giving in. I figured with their current good standing with Hasbro they would have the best shot at it. Maybe they got permission for this one pinup.

  4. Wait, was the Rom toy produced by Hasbro, or was it Kenner?

  5. I believe Rom is owned by Parker Brothers.
