Monday, October 15, 2012

Art Adams' unpublished All-Star Batman

Art Adams has uploaded 14 pages of layouts for an unpublished issue of All-Star Batman on his Fans of Arthur Adams Facebook page.

While I know this isn't quite 1980s or Marvel Comics material, but I know you all love Art's work as much as I do, so I had to share...


  1. Jason,

    Those are some beautiful pages. It is truly a shame that they went unpublished. Thanks for sharing them with us. Keep up the great work. I am still looking forward to your post on the Secret Wars figures.

  2. Hey James, Thanks! Been swamped with a lot of non-blog work lately. I'll try to move it up on my blog to-do list.

  3. Jason,

    No need to rush or put off the important day to day stuff. When you post it I am sure that it will be great. The toys have become such a big part of the comic collecting experience. I just think it would be cool to let the younger fans see what little we were working with in the eighties. The books were never better, but we had very little as far as the toys. I think the Marvel PVC figures would also make for a cool post. Thanks again for all of the wonderful Marvel eighties awesomeness.

  4. I could stare at those pages all day.
    In fact, I think I will.

    1. oh my god Jason.DC? Batman? whats goin on?!!! great post.

  5. Ha! Hey Sparky. Not kidding, but I couldn't help but share. What's so amazing about this work is that you get to see some of Adams' process behind his art.
