Wednesday, April 17, 2013

1984 - Byrne's Power Man and Iron Fist covers


  1. I picked up PM/IF towards the end of the run, whenever the cover looked cool--- I was usually underwhelmed by the stories, but not EVERY time.
    I've never saw the cover for #106---wow, that's a nice one.
    I always hated a "throwaway" cover like #114, wtf? why would anyone buy that issue?
    Gotta love #119, right?

    thanks for the memories,

  2. #106 is the only one of those I bought, as the combination of John Byrne and the Whirlwind was irresistable to me. The contents were very resistable, which is a shame because there were some very good issues of that series just a few years earlier.

  3. #114 is the one that most intrigues me. Is that Billy Joel?

  4. Hey Matt, that's actually Gordy, Agent of S.M.I.L.E.

  5. The series picked up after #115 when M.D. Bright took over as penciller. The last 10 issues were the best since the Jo Duffy / Gammill issues.

  6. Thanks Krishna, another series I'm going to have to make time to check out!

  7. Hey anotherdae, not McFarlane. John Byrne.

  8. When Jim Owsley (Christopher Priest) and MD Bright took over, the book finally started cooking again. The last 8 or so issues are quite good...and then Jim Shooter ordered it cancelled to make way for the doomed New Universe titles. Byrne's covers no doubt helped kick up interest in the book even in it's last year. Keep in mind that it was selling over 100,000 copies/month (compare to today) when Shooter ordered it cancelled. Owsley's editor -Denny O'Neil-was so pissed that he ordered Owsley to kill off Iron Fist in the last issue. Whew! Politics.

  9. Hey David, thanks for the background information!
