Sunday, January 6, 2013

Help out Peter David and enjoy some great reading!

Writer Peter David suffered a stroke over the holidays ( He's doing okay, but has a long road to recovery ahead. From Peter's wife, Kathleen over at on how you can help.
Even though we have health insurance we have co-pays and the like. And since this stroke fell at the end of the year, we have all the new co-pays to deal with (I can honestly see those of you who have had to deal with this nodding your heads). And there are things that the insurance company just won’t cover (more head nodding). So we are at the beginning of what is going to be a very expensive year even though we are only 4 days in.

The most direct way is to buy his books from Crazy 8 Press (via ComicMix) or from Amazon or Barnes and Noble websites. These are books that he gets the money from directly and the most per book.

His current Crazy 8 Press books are:
- Pulling Up Stakes Part 1
- Pulling Up Stakes Part 2 (Brand new)
- The Camelot Papers

- The Hidden Earth Saga of which there are two published and the third is in the works: Darkness of the Light and Height of the Depths.

If you already have these or can’t purchase them for whatever reason, you can still help us a lot by getting word out all over the Internet about how they can help Peter. I am asking every blogger and people who have access to an audience to spread the word. The more we sell of these books, the easier it will be for us to pay the bills as they start to pour in. Buying his other books does help but that is very long term and isn’t much per books but it does help especially the Marvel graphic novels he has written.

They're not asking for a hand-out or charity, they simply want you to buy more of Peter's great stuff. If you enjoyed his great 1980s-90s run on the Hulk or his run on X-Factor, think about throwing a couple of bucks his way.

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