Friday, September 23, 2011

Greg Pak on Bill Mantlo

Here's a great article by outgoing Hulk writer, Greg Pak, on the influence of former 1980s Hulk writer Bill Mantlo:

The article is a follow-up to the afterword he wrote for Incredible Hulks #635.

And now a few words from Mike Mantlo:

First off, I send out a big THANK YOU to everyone that has helped support Bill over these past 19 years (!).  Every donation, no matter how big or small, and every card or letter is greatly appreciated. Bill's condition remains the same (he suffers severe cognitive impairments, anger, and depression), and these factors keep him very much isolated from "the outside world." Aside from my visits, and the kindness of my beautiful wife and some of the attendants at the nursing home/rehabilitation facility he resides in, his contact with other human beings is virtually non-existent.  But the support and encouragement of fans, and industry professionals like yourself, helps to bring a little ray of sunlight into his dark and dreary days. When I (or my wife) engage Bill in conversation, his spirit emerges and is as strong and pure as it ever was! So, once again, I can't thank ALL of you enough!! I strongly believe in the power of practicing random acts of kindness, and with that belief I hope that ALL of your kindnesses will be returned to you many, many times over! 

Cards, letters or donations to Bill Mantlo can be sent to:
Mike Mantlo
26364 East Pintail Road
Long Neck, DE 19966
Please make out any checks to “Michael Mantlo” — Bill’s legal guardian.

You can also donate using the paypal link in the article above.


  1. Thanks for posting this up Jason. I was very touched by the tragic accident Bill Mantlo suffered more than 20 years ago. Not much to say excpet that when I have some money I will make him a donation.

  2. Thanks for the comment, Patricio. Take care.
